I saw the most amazing post on IG the other day. It was by one of my favorite artists, Buffalo, New York’s Pretti Bulli. When I interviewed her on My Detroit HustleTV Live, in the title of the video I said something about her potentially making millions of dollars. After seeing her recent social media post, I’m ready to say that her making some millions is a lock. So, what was this social media post? It was a video of Pretti Bulli showing some of her other products branded as, “Bulli Bites.” It looks like she has some cannabis infused sweets like cookies and juice. She had dinners too. Both had an actual sticker that says Bulli Bites. This is amazing! Why? Because it is very clear that music is oversaturated, and no matter how good you are, music does not have that much value anymore. Most people will starve waiting on their music to pay off. Most of the people you see on tv are not making their money off of music. It’s brand deals and sponsorships that pays them. So, if that’s what they have to do to eat, what do you think you need to do? While music does not offer the greatest opportunity to make money any more, it is a great opportunity to build your brand. You can definitely get people to know you and what you are about. So, what do you do when you have the people’s attention and they are aware of your brand? Well of course, hit them with a product or service that has value to the customer. This is why Bulli Bites is brilliant. If Joe Smo down the street pulled out his barbecue pit, posted a sign saying dinners for sale and started cooking, people are going to buy from him. Why, because everybody has to eat, and if they smell it, and it looks good, people are going to buy. It doesn’t matter if the person selling it is famous. Now, if someone famous came to your block and did the exact same thing, that barbecue is going to go crazy because the product has value on its own and it’s attached to an established brand. The work you’re doing to sell your music is actually working. The problem is, the product you’re trying to sell has so little value because of over saturation. But, once you attach that work to something that people actually want and need, you put rocket fuel on your marketing. Of course people want to buy from the person they know more than from the one they don’t know. Continue to make your music and do everything you need to do to get it out there, but if you want to really make some money, look to diversify your product line. Add some products to your product line that people actually want and need, and watch that hard work you put into promotion start to pay off. If you sell dinners, have a lawn service or any other business or hustle, leverage your music business marketing that you hope will eventually pay off long term to build things you can make money with right now. Learn from Pretty Bulli’s Bulli Bites. Start getting money right now by turning the hard work you put into your music business marketing into other income streams that can help you make money right now. Free game from the OG.