I’m really feeling the hip hop movement that’s growing a little north of Detroit in Pontiac, Michigan. Once I met On Point, who’s from Pontiac, it seems like I’ve been watching the whole Pontiac scene. It seems like I’ve been watching the whole scene because from what I can see the artists from this city work together and are pretty supportive of each other. I’m aware of artists like Binx Vadar, MichiGunn and Fat Sayso because I’ve seen On Point collaborate with them or share their projects. Artists working together is how scenes are built. More importantly, scenes are built when cities start building their own institutions. A dope institution that I think can grow into something legendary is The War Room. I became aware of The War Room after Dame Black shared a trailer for his upcoming appearance on The War Room and explained the concept to me. The War Room is something they put together in Pontiac that is a battle similar to Versus, where artists battle each other by performing their best three songs on stage in front of a crowd. They also post the battles on YouTube. I feel like if they stick with this concept and work out the kinks, this could be BIG! In the future The War Room could be talked bout the way they talk about St Andrews and The Hip Hop Shop in Detroit. These are institutions where legends were made. Who knows, maybe The War Room could be the launching for a generation of Pontiac hip hop legends.